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Sleepiness and Human Impact Assessment

di Garbarino - Nobili - Costa  • 2014  • dettagli prodotto

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Human Impact Assessment (HuIA) is a relatively new concept describing an integrated process that encompasses both Health Impact Assessment and Social Impact Assessment and is used to anticipate the effects of programs, projects and decisions on human health and welfare. Sleep occupies approximately one-third of our lives, but its human impact remains largely unrecognized. The prevalence of excessive sleepiness is recognized to be increasing in industrialized societies. Sleepiness and fatigue have high costs in terms of both lives lost and socioeconomic impact. Sleepiness and Human Impact Assessment provides a comprehensive exploration of many different facets of sleepiness in our 24-hour society from the new HuIA point of view. Among the covered issues are the physiology and pathophysiology of sleep, its relationship to daytime alertness, fatigue and drugs, the relevance of sleep-related fatigue in various occupational settings and public safety. This book will be of assistance to physicians, occupational health professionals, ergonomists, researchers and decision-makers as they strive to understand the full significance of sleepiness and to create a culture of accountability in everyday life without sleep-related risks.


ISBN: 9788847053878

Titolo: Sleepiness and Human Impact Assessment


Editore: Springer Verlag

Volume: Unico

Edizione: 2014

Lingua: Inglese

Finitura: Copertina rigida

Misure: 16x24 cm

Pagine: 370

Peso: 0.6 kg