Behavior Management in Dentistry for Children
di Wright - Kupietzky • 2014 • dettagli prodotto
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Guiding patient behavior is as important as ever for the practicing dentist, and the behavior of pediatric patients is perhaps the most challenging to manage. Drs. Wright and Kupietzky here update Dr. Wright’s classic work on managing pediatric dental patients.Behavior Management in Dentistry for Children,2nd Edition, has been entirely rewritten and includes the latest and most effective management strategies from an international team of experts in the field. The book addresses the influence of family and parenting styles on children’s behavior and the factors that determine how children behave in the dental office. Pharmacological and non-pharmacological management techniques are described in depth, as are techniques for dealing with special needs patients. Clinical scenarios are described throughout the book, with practical application of the taught principles. The final part of the book covers the dental environment—training office personnel to manage children’s behavior, practical considerations for behavior guidance, and the effects of the physical dental office environment. Behavior Management in Dentistry for Children,2nd Edition, is ideal for pediatric residents, dental students, and practicing dentists who see children on a regular basis.
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ISBN: 9781118547533
Titolo: Behavior Management in Dentistry for Children
Autori: Wright - Kupietzky
Editore: Wiley
Volume: Unico
Edizione: II 2014
Lingua: Inglese
Finitura: Copertina flessibile
Misure: 22x28 cm
Pagine: 264
Peso: 0.8 kg