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Malignant Effusions - Pleuritis, Ascites, Pericardites

di Kiselevsky  • 2012  • dettagli prodotto

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Malignant effusions (pleurites, ascites and pericardites) are some of the most frequent manifestations of dissemination process of malignant tumors. Accumulation of the malignant fluid in serous cavities results in impairment of respiratory and cardiac functions, however long-term evacuation of the fluid leads to severe disorders of homeostasis that may directly cause the patient’s death. The aim of this comprehensive book is to provide detailed information of pathogenesis and management of malignant effusions. The current book focuses on three of these categories: pleuritis, acsites and pericarditis. This book, written by recognized experts in the field, provides a detailed overview of current knowledge on this subject. The presented book reports valuable information about malignant effusions to basic and clinical medical specialists in academia, practice, as well as industry. The main topics considered include contemporary diagnostic approaches and modern therapeutic strategies, including conventional drugs, methods of intracavitary adoptive immunotherapy, chemotherapy and hyperthermia, commercial and experimental drugs being still under study. The material is presented in an easy to read and understandable language and uses a plethora of tables and figures.This book is aimed at oncologists, as well as phthisiatricians, surgeons, therapists and physicians of various specializations, who have to make diagnosis and treat effusions during their professional activity, and it will be undoubtedly helpful for interns, post-graduates and Ph.D. fellows of medical centers.


ISBN: 9789400747821

Titolo: Malignant Effusions - Pleuritis, Ascites, Pericardites


Editore: Springer Verlag

Volume: Unico

Edizione: 2012

Lingua: Inglese

Finitura: Copertina rigida

Misure: 16x24 cm

Pagine: 152

Peso: 0.4 kg