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Recent developments in T / EVAR ( testo in lingua inglese )

di Setacci  • 2014  • dettagli prodotto

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In the past, patients who suffered from aortic aneurysm had a few medical or surgical options. Nowadays each physician is provided with innovative options that make possible the correct treatment of patients presenting with more and more complex aortic disease. To gain proficiency in treatment of aortic disease, a deep knowledge of the natural history of disease and the anatomic challenges is mandatory, but is not enough. Each specialist involved in endovascular treatment of thoracic and/or abdominal aortic disease (T/EVAR) needs also a great familiarity with a range of different endografts and endovascular devices.The perfect endograft should guarantee complete aneurysm sac shrinkage, with no occurrence of any reintervention in the long-term period. Actually, the “ideal” and “definitive” stent-graft goes beyond the currently available devices, but a particular one may match the patient’s needs better that another, and a good physician should be able to correctly select the most appropriate device for every single patient.In this book an honored panel of expert physicians sum up the principal peculiarities for each single device, based on the availability of clinical data, engineering aspects and technical remarks, as well their own preferences based on everyday clinical practice.


ISBN: 9788877117960

Titolo: Recent developments in T / EVAR ( testo in lingua inglese )


Editore: Minerva Medica

Volume: Unico

Edizione: 2014

Lingua: Inglese

Finitura: Copertina flessibile

Misure: 17x24 cm

Pagine: 145

Peso: 0.4 kg