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Understanding Value - Based Healthcare

di Moriates - Arora - Shah  • 2015  • dettagli prodotto

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Provide outstanding patient care while navigating the complexities of healthcare reform with this comprehensive, engagingly written guide
Understanding Value-Based Healthcare is a succinct, interestingly written primer on the core issues involved in maximizing the efficacy and outcomes of medical care when cost is a factor in the decision-making process. Written by internationally recognized experts on cost- and value-based healthcare, this timely book delivers practical and clinically focused guidance on one of the most debated topics in medicine and medicine administration today.Understanding Value-Based Healthcare is divided into three sections:Section 1 Introduction to Value in Healthcare lays the groundwork for understanding this complex topic. Coverage includes the current state of healthcare costs and waste in the USA, the challenges of understanding healthcare pricing, ethics of cost-conscious care, and more.Section 2 Causes of Waste covers important issues such as variation in resource utilization, the role of technology diffusion, lost opportunities to deliver value, and barriers to providing high-value care.Section 3 Solutions and Tools discusses teaching cost awareness and evidence-based medicine, the role of patients, high-value medication prescribing, screening and prevention, incentives, and implementing value-based initiatives.The authors include valuable case studies within each chapter to demonstrate how the material relates to real-world situations faced by clinicians on a daily basis.


ISBN: 9780071816984

Titolo: Understanding Value - Based Healthcare


Editore: Mcgraw-hill Inglese

Volume: Unico

Edizione: 2015

Lingua: Inglese

Finitura: Copertina flessibile