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Adolescent Urology and Long - Term Outcomes

di Woodhouse  • 2015  • dettagli prodotto

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Adolescent Urology and Long-Term Outcomes provides urologists and pediatric urologists with a comprehensive and expert clinical guide to the main urologic problems that can occur during adolescence.
Fully covering disorders related to sex and genital development, the kidney, bladder, ureta and urethra, Professor Woodhouse, a world-leading expert and global pioneer in this field systematically outlines the best clinical practice in the surgical and medical management of these complex and extremely challenging conditions, as well covering the long-term outcome for the patient.
Given the sensitive nature of these problems and their effect on adolescent patients, attention is paid to the psychological aspect of such disorders: especially how best to manage patients struggling to come to terms with what are very personal and complex issues at what is often a difficult and turbulent period of their life.
Well-illustrated with over 120 figures including step-by-step surgical diagrams throughout, chapters will also include a unique “voice of the experts” feature – a running dialogue between leading experts and Prof Woodhouse on the topic in question.
This modern, expert guide to adolescent urologic problems from one of the leading names in the field will be an essential tool for modern-day urologists and urologic surgeons, especially those specialising in pediatric patients, as well as pediatricians and endocrinologists.


ISBN: 9781118844816

Titolo: Adolescent Urology and Long - Term Outcomes


Editore: Wiley

Volume: Unico

Edizione: 2015

Lingua: Inglese

Finitura: Copertina rigida

Pagine: 272