An Introduction to Medical Statistics
di Bland • 2015 • dettagli prodotto
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Now in its Fourth Edition, An Introduction to Medical Statistics continues to be a 'must-have' textbook for anyone who needs a clear logical guide to the subject. Written in an easy-to-understand style and packed with real life examples, the text clearly explains the statistical principles used in the medical literature. Taking readers through the common statistical methods seen in published research and guidelines, the text focuses on how to interpret and analyse statistics for clinical practice. Using extracts from real studies, the author illustrates how data can be employed correctly and incorrectly in medical research helping readers to evaluate the statistics they encounter and appropriately implement findings in clinical practice. End of chapter exercises, case studies and multiple choice questions help readers to apply their learning and develop their own interpretative skills. This thoroughly revised edition includes new chapters on meta-analysis, missing data, and survival analysis.
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ISBN: 9780199589920
Titolo: An Introduction to Medical Statistics
Autori: Bland
Editore: Oxford University Press
Volume: Unico
Edizione: IV 2015
Lingua: Inglese
Finitura: Copertina flessibile
Misure: 19x25 cm
Pagine: 427
Peso: 0.5 kg