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Advanced Techniques in Musculoskeletal Medicine and Physiotherapy using minimally invasive therapies in practice

di Garrido - Munoz  • 2015  • dettagli prodotto

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Advanced Techniques in Musculoskeletal Medicine & Physiotherapy is a brand new, highly illustrated guide to the diagnosis and treatment of musculoskeletal disorders. It demonstrates how to safely and effectively use selected minimally invasive therapies in practice. In addition to more well-established techniques such as acupuncture or dry needling, this ground-breaking resource also covers techniques including intratissue percutaneous electrolysis, mesotherapy, percutaneous needle tenotomy, and high volume image guided injections. Other featured chapters include those on specific musculoskeletal ultrasound such as sonoanatomy and ultrasound-guided procedures. Each chapter describes the principles, indications and contraindications, mechanisms of action and detailed outlines of techniques with an emphasis throughout on accessible practical information. Additionally, methodologies, research results and summaries of studies for particular minimally invasive therapies are presented. The book is also supported by a companion website - www.advancedtechniquesonline.com - containing procedural video clips, a full colour image library and interactive multiple choice questions (MCQs).


ISBN: 9780702062346

Titolo: Advanced Techniques in Musculoskeletal Medicine and Physiotherapy using minimally invasive therapies in practice


Editore: Elsevier - Eng

Volume: Unico

Edizione: 2015

Lingua: Inglese

Finitura: Copertina rigida

Misure: 19x27 cm

Pagine: 520

Peso: 1.5 kg