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Lean Thinking for Healthcare

di Wickramasinghe - Al Hakim - Gonzalez - Tan  • 2014  • dettagli prodotto

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A growing, aging population; the rise to epidemic proportions of various chronic diseases; competing, often overlapping medical technologies; and of course, skyrocketing costs compounded by waste and inefficiency - these are just a few of the multifarious challenges currently facing healthcare delivery. An unexpected source of solutions is being imported from the manufacturing sector: lean thinking. Lean Principles for Healthcare presents a conceptual framework, management principles, and practical tools for professionals tasked with designing and implementing modern, streamlined healthcare systems or overhauling faulty ones. Focusing on core components such as knowledge management, e-health, patient-centeredness, and collaborative care, chapters illustrate lean concepts in action across specialties (as diverse as nursing, urology, and emergency care) and around the globe. Extended case examples show health systems responding to consumer needs and provider realities with equal efficiency and effectiveness, and improved quality and patient outcomes. Further, contributors tackle the gamut of technological, medical, cultural, and business issues, among them:


ISBN: 9781461480358

Titolo: Lean Thinking for Healthcare


Editore: Springer Verlag

Volume: Unico

Edizione: 2014

Lingua: Inglese

Finitura: Copertina rigida

Pagine: 645