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Grabb' s Encyclopedia of flaps - Head and neck - Upper Extremities - Torso Pelvis and Lower Extremities

di Grabb - Strauch - Vasconez - Hall Findlay - Lee  • 2015  • dettagli prodotto

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Still the most comprehensive reference available on surgical flaps, this classic two volume text has combine content from three previous volumes into two and remains your go-to source for practical, authoritative guidance on achieving the best possible outcomes for your patients. The thoroughly revised 4th Edition features an all-new, full-color format that greatly enhances its visual appeal and usefulness in your everyday practice. Dozens of internationally recognized experts describe every clinical proven flap option available for repairing both routine and unusual problems, lavishly illustrated with clinical photographs and diagrams of anatomy, blood supply, flap design, and operative procedures. Extensively indexed and organized by anatomic region, chapters follow a logical format that clearly presents all the information you need to know: indications, anatomy, blood supply, surgical techniques, complications, safeguards to keep in mind, and advantages and disadvantages of each flap. This comprehensive, clinically relevant information allows you to select the best flaps for safe, predictable, and aesthetically desirable results for every patient.


ISBN: 9781496340443

Titolo: Grabb' s Encyclopedia of flaps - Head and neck - Upper Extremities - Torso Pelvis and Lower Extremities


Editore: Lippincott Williams

Volume: Opera in due volumi

Edizione: IV 2015

Lingua: Inglese

Finitura: Copertina rigida

Pagine: 2444