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Environmental Experience and Plasticity of the Developing Brain

di Sale  • 2016  • dettagli prodotto

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Environmental Experience and Plasticity of the Developing Brain goes beyond the genetic basis of neurodevelopment. Chapters illuminate the external factors that can dramatically impact the brain early in life and, consequently, the eventual accomplishment of developmental milestones and the construction of adult behavior and personality. Authored and edited by leaders in this rapidly growing field, Environmental Experience and Plasticity of the Developing Brain not only surveys preexisting literature on the effects of environment versus genetics, but also discusses more recent studies on the impacts of neurodevelopment in terms of maternal stimulation, environmental enrichment and sensory deprivation. The book also includes key examples of environmental impacts on preexisting genetic syndromes leading to developmental disabilities. Focus is also given to the consequences of early adverse experience in primates, as well as neurobiological and behavioral consequences in institutionalized human children and the reversibility of such consequences. Environmental Experience and Plasticity of the Developing Brain encompasses a broad area of research in the field of developmental neurobiology and offers a unique combination of different examples of environmental factors affecting brain development and behavior.


ISBN: 9781118931653

Titolo: Environmental Experience and Plasticity of the Developing Brain


Editore: Wiley

Volume: Unico

Edizione: 2016

Lingua: Inglese

Finitura: Copertina rigida

Pagine: 272