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Mammography and Breast Imaging Prep - Program Review and Exam Prep

di Peart  • 2012  • dettagli prodotto

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Includes new coverage of the latest digital imaging technologies
Written by an instructor and mammography specialist at Stamford Hospital
Concise narrative text helps you to focus on essential concepts
Practice questions with answers referenced to the text allow you to gauge your comprehension of important material
Learning aids such as objectives and glossaries at the beginning of each chapter streamline the learning process
Numerous radiographs teach you to recognize good and bad films and normal circumscribed lesions and breast calcifications
High-quality diagrams help you learn correct patient positioning consistent with the American
College of Radiography and the Mammography Quality Control Manual
Valuable during coursework to help you recognize and understand concepts that are likely to appear on the exam
A complete review for licensure that includes the history of breast imaging, breast cancer detection, and treatment (including new imaging methods and recent advances in digital mammography, MRI, BSGI, DBT, volumtetric ultrasound imaging, and Cone Beam Breast CT)


ISBN: 9780071749329

Titolo: Mammography and Breast Imaging Prep - Program Review and Exam Prep


Editore: Mcgraw-hill Inglese

Volume: Unico

Edizione: 2012

Lingua: Inglese

Finitura: Copertina flessibile

Pagine: 528

Peso: 1 kg