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Developmental Psychopathology - Volume 3 - Maladaptation and Psychopathology

di Cicchetti  • 2016  • dettagli prodotto

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A comprehensive reference on external contributing factors in psychopathology. Developmental Psychopathology is a four-volume compendium of the most complete and current research on every aspect of the field. Volume Three: Risk, Disorder, and Adaptation explores the everyday effects and behaviors of those with behavioral, mental, or neurological disorders, and the disorder's real-world impact on their well-being. Now in its third edition, this comprehensive reference has been fully updated to better reflect the current state of the field, and detail the latest findings in causation, intervention, contextual factors, and the risks associated with atypical development. Contributions from expert researchers and clinicians explore the effects of abuse and traumatic stress, memory development, emotion regulation, impulsivity, and more, with chapters specifically targeted toward autism, schizophrenia, narcissism, antisocial behavior, bipolar disorder, and borderline personality disorder. Advances in developmental psychopathology have burgeoned since the 2006 publication of the second edition, and keeping up on the latest findings in multiple avenues of investigation can be burdensome to the busy professional. This series solves the problem by collecting the information into one place, with a logical organization designed for easy reference.


ISBN: 9781118120927

Titolo: Developmental Psychopathology - Volume 3 - Maladaptation and Psychopathology


Editore: Wiley

Volume: Terzo

Edizione: III 2016

Lingua: Inglese

Finitura: Copertina rigida

Pagine: 1248