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Developmental Psychopathology - Volume 4 - Risk, Resilience, and Intervention

di Cicchetti  • 2016  • dettagli prodotto

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Examine the latest research merging nature and nurture in pathological development. Developmental Psychopathology is a four-volume compendium of the most complete and current research on every aspect of the field. Volume Four: Genes and Environment focuses on the interplay between nature and nurture throughout the life stages, and the ways in which a child's environment can influence his or her physical and mental health as an adult. The discussion explores relationships with family, friends, and the community; environmental factors like poverty, violence, and social support; the development of coping mechanisms, and more, including the impact of these factors on physical brain development. This new third edition has been fully updated to incorporate the latest advances, and to better reflect the increasingly multilevel and interdisciplinary nature of the field and the growing importance of translational research. The relevance of classification in a developmental context is also addressed, including DSM-5 criteria and definitions. Advances in developmental psychopathology are occurring increasingly quickly as expanding theoretical and empirical work brings about dramatic gains in the multiple domains of child and adult development. This book brings you up to date on the latest developments surrounding genetics and environmental influence, including their intersection in experience-dependent brain development.


ISBN: 9781118120934

Titolo: Developmental Psychopathology - Volume 4 - Risk, Resilience, and Intervention


Editore: Wiley

Volume: Quarto

Edizione: III 2016

Lingua: Inglese

Finitura: Copertina rigida

Pagine: 1152