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The Handbook of Evolutionary Psychology - Foundation - Volume 1

di Buss  • 2015  • dettagli prodotto

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Why is the mind designed the way it is? How does input from the environment interact with the mind to produce behavior? These are the big, unanswered questions that the field of evolutionary psychology seeks to explore. The Handbook of Evolutionary Psychology is the seminal work in this vibrant, quickly-developing new discipline. In this thorough revision and expansion, luminaries in the field provide an in-depth exploration of the foundations of evolutionary psychology and explain the new empirical discoveries and theoretical developments that continue at a breathtaking pace. Evolutionary psychologists posit that the mind has a specialized and complex structure, just as the body has a specialized and complex structure. From this important theoretical concept arises the vast array of possibilities that are at the core of the field, which seeks to examine such traits as perception, language, and memory from an evolutionary perspective. This examination is intended to determine the human psychological traits that are the products of sexual and natural selection and, as such, to chart and understand human nature.


ISBN: 9781118755884

Titolo: The Handbook of Evolutionary Psychology - Foundation - Volume 1


Editore: Wiley

Volume: Primo

Edizione: II 2015

Lingua: Inglese

Finitura: Copertina rigida

Pagine: 688