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Oxford Textbook of Fundamentals of Surgery

di Thomas - Reed - Wyatt  • 2016  • dettagli prodotto

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The Oxford Textbook of Fundamentals of Surgery provides a solid foundation of the knowledge and basic science needed to hone all of the core surgical skills used in surgical settings. Presented in a clear and accessible way, the Oxford Textbook of Fundamentals of Surgery addresses the cross-specialty aspects of surgery applicable to all trainees. With an emphasis on practical application and international best practice, it will support you to confidently deliver the highest possible surgical outcomes. This authoritative learning and reference tool is richly illustrated throughout, with step by step guides for skills such as stitching and tying knots. The topics discussed range from anatomy to radiology, and cover the basic surgical skills needed to manage wounds and haemostasis. Evidence-based approaches to the management of a range of surgical situations, such as major trauma, transplantation, and the dying patient, will help you to overcome tough clinical challenges and improve patient outcomes. The Oxford Textbook of Fundamentals of Surgery comes with a year's access to the online version on Oxford Medicine Online. By activating your unique access code, you can find answers quickly by searching the full text, as well as annotate, bookmark, and download important information.


ISBN: 9780199665549

Titolo: Oxford Textbook of Fundamentals of Surgery


Editore: Oxford University Press

Volume: Unico

Edizione: 2016

Collana: Oxford Textbooks in Surgery

Lingua: Inglese

Finitura: Copertina rigida

Misure: 21x27 cm

Pagine: 848