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Fingerprint identification handbook - Dactyloscopy in forensic science investigation and criminal justice

di Giuliano  • 2016  • dettagli prodotto

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This Handbook refers to Dactyloscopy (also called Fingerprint Study or Friction Ridge Study). For more than a century, fingerprints have been useful in a wide range of applications, because they can be used for identification due to fundamental principles: immutability in the course of life (they are permanent) and uniqueness because always different (they are individual). In forensics, there are very large databases that allow the recognition of aliases, traces found at a crime scene and unknown bodies. This Handbook is organized into 4 Sections: 1) Toolbox, 2) Known Prints, 3) Latent Prints, 4) Other Fields. The first concerns basic knowledge of the field, i.e., history, anatomy, embryology and the morphology of the friction ridges of the finger, hand and foot. The second concerns personal identification, including print-taking techniques and search procedures. The third concerns latent prints, including the analysis and comparison of traces found at a crime scene. Finally, the fourth concerns different fields such as deceased and missing persons, at¬tempts to counterfeit fingerprints, biometric recognition, cross-border service applica¬tions and the use of fingerprints in archaeology and anthropology. It is divided into 25 Chapters.


ISBN: 9788877118776

Titolo: Fingerprint identification handbook - Dactyloscopy in forensic science investigation and criminal justice


Editore: Minerva Medica

Volume: Unico

Edizione: 2016

Lingua: Inglese

Finitura: Copertina flessibile

Misure: 21x28 cm

Pagine: 358

Peso: 1 kg