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Spencer' s Pathology of the Lung - DVDs included

di Hasleton - Flieder  • 2013  • dettagli prodotto

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Fully rewritten and updated for the cutting-edge sixth edition, Spencer's Pathology of the Lung follows in its predecessors' footsteps as the gold-standard textbook of pulmonary diseases. All recognized diseases of the lungs are discussed and illustrated with extensive, high-quality color images. Each chapter includes practical, clear and concise diagnostic features, including immunohistochemistry, molecular tests and differential diagnoses, while rare entities are discussed and illustrated in detail. This thoroughly reworked edition includes new classification schemes and the latest understanding of the pathophysiology and molecular aspects of a wide range of diseases. Non-neoplastic diseases are presented according to epidemiology, genetics, clinical manifestations, radiographic findings, pathology, cytology, laboratory findings, pathogenesis, differential diagnosis, prognosis and natural history. Neoplasms are discussed according to cell or origin with sections devoted to genetics, molecular findings and clinicopathologic correlations. Downloadable versions of all images are available on a CD-ROM packaged with the print book. Written and edited by leading experts in the field, this is an essential resource for practising and trainee pathologists.


ISBN: 9780521509954

Titolo: Spencer' s Pathology of the Lung - DVDs included


Editore: Cambridge University Press

Volume: Opera in due volumi

Edizione: VI 2013

Lingua: Inglese