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Magnetic mallet in bone remodeling

di Crespi  • 2016  • dettagli prodotto

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It gives me great pleasure to present the book written by Dr Roberto Crespi, a colleague of mine to whom a friendship of more than 25 years binds me and with whom I started the research path over 40 years ago.
Hammer and chisel have always been part of the oral surgeon armamentarium, and Dr Roberto Crespi’s brilliant intuition was introducing the Magnetic Mallet, a mechanical instrument, in oral surgery, thereby amplifying the possibilities of use.
This tool, in my present practice, is irreplaceable, and I am sure that it will become popular in the great majority of surgeries. The indication of use ranges from the simplification of extraction techniques to bone volume augmentation procedures; this thanks to the possibility of deforming and shaping the bone, especially in the maxilla, and hence favoring the spontaneous healing that frees itself from the need of biomaterials, which are too often poorly absorbable.
The book takes into account all these issues with a number of comprehensive and clear cases and also offers a contribution from Prof Gian Battista Bruschi ,who was among the first, almost 20 years ago, to propose guided fracture techniques and deformation of bone contours in the maxillary sinus. This kind of intervention created the conditions for use of the Magnetic Mallet. I wish the book the success it deserves, and for my friend Roberto, may it secure his national and international reputation.


ISBN: 9788874920372

Titolo: Magnetic mallet in bone remodeling


Editore: Quintessenza

Volume: Unico

Edizione: 2016

Lingua: Inglese

Finitura: Copertina flessibile

Pagine: 112