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Clinical PET - CT in Radiology - Integrated Imaging in Oncology

di Shreve - Townsend  • 2011  • dettagli prodotto

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Clinical PET-CT in Radiology: Integrated Imaging in Oncology presents the latest hybrid scanning technology for applications of clinical PET-CT within body imaging. In this comprehensive text, Paul Shreve, MD, and David W. Townsend, PhD, have brought together an internationally-distinguished group of authors to cover all aspects of clinical PET-CT relevant to body oncology imaging technology using CT and FDG PET. The chapters provide practicing imaging physicians with a concise, practical guide, presenting PET-CT as an integrated anatomic-metabolic imaging procedure applied to cancer imaging. Physics and instrumentation chapters are oriented to provide an overview of the available technology and some physical concepts. Comprehensive clinical chapters are structured to provide concise and structured background regarding the clinical management of each cancer and the role of PET-CT imaging in all phases of patient management. Each clinical chapter will help the imaging physician more completely understand the relationship and role of the integrated modality imaging with respect to the overall treatment of the cancer patient.


ISBN: 9780387489001

Titolo: Clinical PET - CT in Radiology - Integrated Imaging in Oncology


Editore: Springer Verlag

Volume: Unico

Edizione: 2011

Lingua: Inglese

Finitura: Copertina rigida

Pagine: 437