Medical Neurobiology
di Mason • 2017 • dettagli prodotto
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Medical Neurobiology, Second Edition continues the work of Dr. Peggy Mason as one of the few single author textbooks available. Written in an engaging style for the vast majority of medical students who will choose to specialize in internal medicine, orthopedics, oncology, cardiology, emergency medicine, and the like, as well as the student interested in neurology, psychiatry, or ophthalmology, this textbook provides a sturdy scaffold upon which a more detailed specialized knowledge can be built. Unlike other neuroscience textbooks, this new edition continues to focus exclusively on the human, covering everything from neuroanatomy to perception, motor control, homeostasis, and pathophysiology. Dr. Mason uniquely explains how disease and illness affect one's neurobiological functions and how they manifest in a person. Thoroughly updated as a result of student feedback, the topics are strictly honed and logically organized to meet the needs of the time-pressed student studying on-the-go. This textbook allows the reader to effortlessly absorb fundamental information critical to the practice of medicine through the use of memorable stories, metaphors, and clinical cases. Students will gain the tools and confidence to make novel connections between the nervous system and human disease. This is the perfect reference for any medical student, biology student, as well as any clinician looking to expand their knowledge of the human nervous system.
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ISBN: 9780190237493
Titolo: Medical Neurobiology
Autori: Mason
Editore: Oxford University Press
Volume: Unico
Edizione: II 2017
Lingua: Inglese
Finitura: Copertina rigida
Misure: 21x27 cm
Pagine: 504