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Common Problems in Acute Care Surgery

di Moore - Turner - Todd  • 2016  • dettagli prodotto

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This text provides a comprehensive, evidence-based review of the most common clinical problems encountered by acute care surgeons. Focusing on the clinical care of the patient, this volume explores the general principles of acute care surgery and the specific disease states that are commonly encountered by acute care surgeons. The work also touches upon the ethical issues and systems development behind acute care surgery, including practical considerations for establishing an acute care surgery program, ethical considerations in acute care surgery, and the role of palliative care. The second edition of the textbook include updates to all of the chapters from the first edition. New topics addressed include management of intra-abdominal infections, management of the open abdomen, and hemodynamic monitoring of the critically ill surgical patient. Each chapter addresses a specific topic in acute care surgery. All chapters are written by experts in the field of Acute Care Surgery. Each chapter includes a brief overview of the epidemiology of the clinical problem, the clinical presentation and diagnosis of the problems, and a discussion of the treatment options and potential complications that may arise.Common Problems in Acute Care Surgery, Second Edition will be of great value to surgical residents, fellows, and practicing acute care surgeons.


ISBN: 9783319427904

Titolo: Common Problems in Acute Care Surgery


Editore: Springer Verlag

Volume: Unico

Edizione: II 2016

Lingua: Inglese

Finitura: Copertina rigida

Pagine: 507