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Breast Reconstructive Surgery ( six dvd work )

di Nava  • 2009  • dettagli prodotto

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Opera in 6 DVD in lingua inglese
IVA inclusa


Was another work on breast surgery really necessary? Well, that’s a good question. It’s true that many titles are already available on the market. If we consider just the books that have been published recently, I think that, two or three books on this subject have been published last year. Along with my friend Querci Della Rovere, I have been involved too as co-author in a work dealing with oncoplastic breast surgery and I have recently co-authored some other texts with my friends Scott, Speare, and others as well. These titles provide of course a detailed description of the topic we are dealing with - namely breast reconstruction surgery - and yet, thinking about the work I have done in these last years with our school of reconstructive surgery, and thinking about how many surgeons, from all over the world, have come to see us at work and to get a first hand experience of our surgery techniques, well, thinking about all that, I have realized that by reading a book or by looking at the illustrations of even the most beautiful atlas of anatomy and surgery one can certainly learn much, but one cannot get the actual know-how that a real video with a three-dimensionally vision can provide. This is why my team of surgeons and I and have decided to create something new, I mean something useful and practical for all surgeons dealing with reconstructive surgery for the first time, that is: graduates specialising in reconstructive surgery, but also general surgeons, who sometimes have to face mastectomy and immediate breast reconstruction with tissue expanders, and even specialists, who want to improve and refine their techniques to fully master their expertise in breast reconstructive surgery. What can you learn from these DVD? You will have the chance to use a multimedia video, or rather a series of multimedia DVDs that will enable both beginners and experienced surgeons to actually see all the steps you should perform, from the patient’s physical exam, to the operation planning and the drawings, up to the surgical decision that, as I keep on saying at congresses, must be taken before the mastectomy itself. In fact, a good reconstruction starts from a good mastectomy and achieves its goal by planning first the initial reconstructive step, and then the second step, which could be the replacement of the prosthesis with a permanent implant, any adjustment and refining, or the reconstruction of the nipple. As you may imagine, to understand all that through a plain text is rather difficult. On the contrary, it can be easily understood through a series of multimedia videos where one can actually see, for example, how the drawings should be made on the patient, why the surgeon should measure and decide the kind of intervention to be carried out also in the contralateral breast, in order to achieve a good result, how the patient should positioned on the operating table, what kind of tools and techniques should be used, and above all the tricks required to achieve a good final result. In my opinion, this is the right tool we must offer to other surgeons. I think it’s a duty for us to put at their disposal our expertise with such a subject. I strongly believe this is the last piece of the puzzle required, so that breast reconstructive surgery may reach that state of the art that will allow anyone to reproduce and get the best results. Our ultimate goal in fact is to improve the quality of life of our patients.


ISBN: 9788829919024

Titolo: Breast Reconstructive Surgery ( six dvd work )


Editore: Piccin

Edizione: 2009

Lingua: Inglese