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Pierson and Fairchild' s Principles and Techniques of Patient Care

di Pierson - Fairchild  • 2017  • dettagli prodotto

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Master the basics of rehab patient care with Pierson and Fairchild’s Principles & Techniques of Patient Care, 6th Edition. This proven text not only provides clear "how-to" information on everything from positioning and draping to patient transfers and ambulation activities, but it also includes easy-to-understand rationales explaining the "why" behind these proven techniques. This new edition has been thoroughly updated to reflect the most current accepted patient care standards, principles, and techniques. Plus, additional video clips and expanded learning resources will help ensure you have a solid mastery of patient care in the rehabilitation setting.


ISBN: 9780323445849

Titolo: Pierson and Fairchild' s Principles and Techniques of Patient Care


Editore: Elsevier - Saunders

Volume: Unico

Edizione: VI 2017

Lingua: Inglese

Finitura: Copertina flessibile

Misure: 21x27 cm

Pagine: 424

Peso: 1.2 kg