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Infusion Therapy Made Incredibly Easy

di AAVV  • 2017  • dettagli prodotto

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Get a thorough grounding in delivering safe, effective infusion therapy with the friendly support and technical guidance of the newly updated Infusion Therapy Made Incredibly Easy!®, 5th edition. This complete how-to on administering and monitoring different IV medications delivers clear direction on vital concepts, terms, and techniques—backed by numerous illustrations, confidence-building humor, and expert insights. Offering clear, concise direction for nursing students, this popular Incredibly Easy!® text is also the ideal refresher for nurses and all practitioners learning best practices for a range of infusion therapies.Get the skills and know-how needed to administer infusion therapy successfully . . . NEW and completely revised/updated content with the latest infusion therapy techniquesEasy-to-read, easy-to-remember guidance for students and practitioners lacking IV experienceStart-to-finish directions and concise explanations on areas such as:PreparationAccess sitesEquipment use and managementIV starting techniques, including line insertionHandling complicationsInfusion therapy using peripheral veinsInfusion therapy requiring central venous accessParenteral nutritionAntineoplastic, biologic, and chemotherapyDiscontinuing an IVManaging hypothermia, hypernatremia, calcemia, and kalemiaSpecial considerations for pediatric, geriatric, and home care patientsLegal issues and professional standardsDozens of colorful diagrams, photos and illustrations explain skills and core concepts, including:Delivery methodsFlow ratesInfusion fluids and medicationsMonitoring and documentationTransfusion therapy Special features include:Just the facts – a quick summary of each chapter’s content“Nurse Joy” and “Jake” – offer clear explanations, vital care reminders, and expert insight on interventions and problem-solvingQuick quiz – multiple-choice questions after each chapter to help you retain knowledgeThat’s a wrap! – summary of key information for quick chapter reviewBest practice – evidence-based standards for administering and monitoring infusion therapyWarning – possible risks or complicationsRunning smoothly – pointers on keeping both patient and equipment problem-freeMemory jogger – anecdotes and memory tricks to help you retain vital contentPractice Makes Perfect – end-of-book NCLEX practice questions for solid exam preparation


ISBN: 9781496355010

Titolo: Infusion Therapy Made Incredibly Easy


Editore: Lippincott Williams

Volume: Unico

Edizione: V 2017

Lingua: Inglese

Finitura: Copertina flessibile

Pagine: 392