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The Unfavorable Result in Plastic Surgery - Avoidance and Treatment

di Cohen - Thaller  • 2018  • dettagli prodotto

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he Unfavorable Result in Plastic Surgery has been lauded as a classic text in plastic surgery, described by reviewers as "an unforgettable masterpiece," "an invaluable companion text," and "a vast resource." Mimis Cohen co-authored the widely acclaimed third edition with the late Robert Goldwyn. Along with his esteemed coeditors and a cadre of prominent plastic surgeons, Dr. Cohen has produced an illuminating fourth edition. Embracing the book's original philosophy, "Mistakes are often the best teachers," the updated text and videos are remarkable in their candor, yielding a vast number of lessons typically not shared in the literature.
In the first three sections, top experts discuss topics connected with plastic surgery complications including patient dissatisfaction, psychological aspects of cosmetic plastic surgery, legal/safety issues, the management of scars/redo surgery, infections, and wound management. Sections four through nine detail the treatment of specific procedural complications, challenges, secondary surgery, and avoidance of suboptimal outcomes. Experts in their respective subspecialties discuss alternative approaches and considerations in aesthetic plastic surgery, breast surgery, pediatric & craniofacial surgery, reconstructive plastic surgery for head & neck, body & lower extremity, hand & upper extremity, and burns.


ISBN: 9781626236745

Titolo: The Unfavorable Result in Plastic Surgery - Avoidance and Treatment


Editore: Thieme

Volume: Unico

Edizione: IV 2018

Lingua: Inglese

Finitura: Copertina rigida

Pagine: 1232