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Introduction to Public Health in Pharmacy

di Lubotsky Levin - Hanson - Hurd  • 2018  • dettagli prodotto

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Pharmacists are on the frontlines of public health. Their public-facing roles uniquely position them to identify and address emerging disease challenges, discrepancies in health literacy, and barriers to treatment in the communities they serve. In today's interconnected world, the clients consulting a neighborhood pharmacist are just as likely to hail from across an ocean as they are from around the corner. Fittingly, Introduction to Public Health in Pharmacy, Second Edition takes an approach that is both global and local. Macro-level examinations of health care systems and funding mechanisms around the world and advice for culturally competent, client-centered communication regarding nutrition and proper self-administration of medications encapsulate pharmacists' dual roles as guardians of global public health and providers of personalized care. Written in accordance with the latest guidelines from the Center for the Advancement of Pharmacy Education, Introduction to Public Health in Pharmacy, Second Edition offers an accessible introduction for pharmacy students and a comprehensive refresher for pharmacists already in practice.


ISBN: 9780190238308

Titolo: Introduction to Public Health in Pharmacy


Editore: Oxford University Press

Volume: Unico

Edizione: II 2018

Lingua: Inglese

Finitura: Copertina flessibile

Misure: 15x23 cm

Pagine: 328