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Executive Functions in Children's Everyday Lives - A Handbook for Professionals in Applied Psychology

di Hoskyn - Iarocci - Young  • 2017  • dettagli prodotto

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Executive Functions in Children's Everyday Lives captures the diversity and complexity of the executive system that underlies children's everyday life experiences. Acquisition of executive functions, such as interpreting communication cues and the perspectives of others, is foundational to and a function of children's early social and communicative competencies. From the soccer field to the classroom, executive functions support children's strategic thinking and control of their environment. Knowing about executive functions and how this system of cognitive resources emerges in young children is important in understanding children's development. Recent research points to the importance of also considering environmental influences on the executive system. This book is unique in its focus on how experiences in children's early lives influence and are influenced by executive functions. Viewing executive functions through this broad lens is critical for professionals who intervene when children's access to executive functions is less than optimal. This book addresses a wide range of topics, including the neurological basis of executive functions in young children, the assessment of children's executive functions, theoretical and historical conceptions of executive functions, the relations between executive functions and theory of mind, multilingualism, early school transitions, and the relationship of executive functions to Autism and ADHD. This volume will be useful to professionals in applied psychology, undergraduate and graduate students, and social science and applied researchers.


ISBN: 9780199980864

Titolo: Executive Functions in Children's Everyday Lives - A Handbook for Professionals in Applied Psychology


Editore: Oxford University Press

Volume: Unico

Edizione: 2017

Lingua: Inglese

Finitura: Copertina rigida

Misure: 15x23 cm

Pagine: 185

Peso: 0.3 kg