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The Vertical Dimension in prosthesis and orthognathodontics - Integration between function and aesthetics

di Bassetti  • 2019  • dettagli prodotto

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The Vertical Dimension is essential for a correct occlusal reconstruction and for rehabilitating the whole Stomatognathic System. The book offers a clear path towards the best possible management of the vertical dimension within which function’s restoration and esthetic result coincide. The author describes Profs. Slavicek and Sato’s key concepts in a practical and clear way. These concepts can be applied to all aspects of dental rehabilitation; from removable prosthesis to fixed prosthesis, from implant prosthesis to pediatric and adult orthodontics.


ISBN: 9788821450396

Titolo: The Vertical Dimension in prosthesis and orthognathodontics - Integration between function and aesthetics


Editore: Edra

Volume: Unico

Edizione: 2019

Lingua: En

Finitura: RIlegato

Misure: 21x29 cm

Pagine: 224

Peso: 1.1 kg