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Transnasal Endoscopic Skull Base and Brain Surgery - Surgical Anatomy and its Applications

di Stamm  • 2019  • dettagli prodotto

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Transnasal endoscopic skull base and brain surgery have undergone major technical advances in recent years. The accumulation of experience and exciting technological innovations – including high-definition cameras, more ergonomic and precise surgical instruments, as well as new hemostatic agents – have enabled safer and more efficacious treatment of lesions affecting highly complex and delicate regions. This fully revised and updated second edition of Transnasal Endoscopic Skull Base and Brain Surgery: Surgical Anatomy and its Applications builds on the acclaimed first edition, focusing on the correlation between endoscopic skull base anatomy and state-of-the-art clinical applications. Among these are the transplanum/transtuberculum, transcribrifom, transclival, and craniocervical junction surgical approaches.
Renowned skull base surgeon Aldo Stamm and leading worldwide experts have compiled a comprehensive multidisciplinary textbook with 72 chapters in 14 sections, didactically organized by regions and diseases. Detailed descriptions of sinonasal, orbital, cranial base, and intracranial anatomy, imaging modalities, and in-depth surgical navigation techniques form the foundation of this remarkable book. The content reflects significant knowledge and diverse perspectives from masters in neurosurgery, otorhinolaryngology, head and neck surgery, neuroendocrinology, intensive care, neuro-anesthesiology, and other disciplines.


ISBN: 9781626237100

Titolo: Transnasal Endoscopic Skull Base and Brain Surgery - Surgical Anatomy and its Applications


Editore: Thieme

Volume: Unico

Edizione: 2019

Lingua: Inglese

Finitura: Copertina rigida

Pagine: 690