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Cardiac Pacing , Defibrillation and Resynchronization - A Clinical Approach

di Hayes - Friedman  • 2020  • dettagli prodotto

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In many ways, this textbook mirrors the development of the field of cardiac device placement and management. The original version of this text was written by Drs. Seymour Furman, David Hayes, and David Holmes, pioneers and founders of interventional electrophysiology and device management. The goals of the present text remain similar to the original intent, that is, to provide a relatable, practical approach without ignoring the rigors of fundamental principles while retaining the flexibility in the professional's mind to embrace new technology. Updates on resynchronization therapy, subcutaneous defibrillators, leadless devices, and improvements in lead extraction have been included in this text. We continue to stay away from an encyclopedic approach but rather focus on a usable, practical, and intuitive approach for problem solving in the day-to-day practice of a cardiac electrophysiology professional.


ISBN: 9781119263968

Titolo: Cardiac Pacing , Defibrillation and Resynchronization - A Clinical Approach


Editore: Wiley

Volume: Unico

Edizione: IV 2020

Lingua: Inglese

Finitura: Copertina rigida

Misure: 18x26 cm

Pagine: 688

Peso: 1.4 kg