Mosby 's Exam Review for Computed Tomography
di DeMaio • 2018 • dettagli prodotto
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Make sure you’re prepared for the ARRT CT exam for computed tomography exam. The thoroughly updated Mosby’s Exam Review for Computed Tomography, 3rd Edition serves as both a study guide and an in-depth review. Written in outline format this easy-to-follow text covers the three content areas on the exam: patient care, imaging procedures, and physics/instrumentation. Three 160-question mock exams are included in the book along with an online test bank of more than 600 questions that can be randomly sampled to create unlimited variations. You will never take the same test twice! For additional remediation, all questions have rationales that can be viewed in quiz mode. New to this edition • NEW! Technological focus on reducing patient radiation exposure includes the latest dose-related guidelines. • NEW! Updated content reflects the latest ARRT CT exam specifications • NEW! 50 new CT images demonstrate need-to-know pathologies in detail • NEW! Thoroughly revised and updated information detail the major technological advances in the field of Computed Tomography
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ISBN: 9780323416337
Titolo: Mosby 's Exam Review for Computed Tomography
Autori: DeMaio
Editore: Elsevier - Mosby
Volume: Unico
Edizione: III 2018
Lingua: Inglese
Finitura: Copertina flessibile
Misure: 22x28 cm
Pagine: 240