Evidence - Based Practice in Nurses
di Craig - Dowding • 2019 • dettagli prodotto
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The new edition of this highly successful book brings to its readership the fundamentals of evidence-based nursing practice in an easily digested format. Avoiding unnecessary jargon and using case studies and other practical examples to help demystify research and the process of applying research in clinical practice, Evidence-Based Practice in Nursing, 4th edition, will be essential reading for anyone interested in developing their skills in this area.Now published in full color throughout, and with accompanying online exercises, Evidence-Based Practice in Nursing, 4th edition, explains how to ask the right question, search the literature, evaluate - and safely apply - evidence from qualitative, quantitative and mixed methods studies including systematic reviews. The book also explains how to use evidence-based guidelines and use research evidence in making clinical decisions with individual patients. A concluding chapter explores the challenges of embedding an evidence-based culture within a healthcare institution.Evidence-Based Practice in Nursing, 4th edition, will be ideal for all students on nursing programs undertaking relevant research and evidence based practice modules, nurses undertaking post-graduate study, and anyone returning to practice who needs to understand how evidence-based practice is shaping practice today. The book will also be invaluable to students of midwifery and other healthcare professions involved in similar areas of study. New to this edition • New editorship brings an international dimension to the content • • Includes a new chapter on mixed methods studies • • Expanded discussion of the evaluation of qualitative systematic reviews • • Updated information on the implementation of guidelines and the current role of evidence in healthcare organisational policy • • Now published in full colour throughout
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ISBN: 9780702070488
Titolo: Evidence - Based Practice in Nurses
Autori: Craig - Dowding
Editore: Elsevier - Eng
Volume: Unico
Edizione: IV 2019
Lingua: Inglese
Finitura: Copertina flessibile
Misure: 15x22 cm
Pagine: 220