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Nursing 2023 Drug Handbook

di Springhouse  • 2022  • dettagli prodotto

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THE #1 Drug Guide for nurses & other clinicians
…always dependable, always up to date!

Look for these outstanding features
Completely updated nursing-focused drug monographs featuring 3,691 generic, brand-name, and combination drugs in an easy A-to-Z format
NEW 27 brand-new FDA-approved drugs in this edition—tabbed and conveniently grouped in a handy “new drugs”section for easy retrieval
NEW Thousands of clinical updates—new dosages and indications, Boxed warnings, genetic-related information, adverse reactions, nursing considerations, clinical alerts, and patient teaching information
Special focus on U.S. and Canadian drug safety issues and concerns
Photoguide insert with images of 431 commonly prescribed tablets and capsules


ISBN: 9781975183370

Titolo: Nursing 2023 Drug Handbook


Editore: Lippincott Williams

Volume: Unico

Edizione: XXXXIII 2022

Lingua: Inglese

Finitura: Copertina flessibile

Pagine: 1920