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Symptoms in the Pharmacy : A Guide to the Management of Common Illnesses

di Blenkinsopp - Duerden - Blenkinsopp  • 2022  • dettagli prodotto

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A Thorough Guidebook for Assessing and Managing Common Symptoms and Illnesses Seen in thePharmacy.
Pharmacies, and pharmacists, are often the first source for information and advice used by a patient whenhealth problems arise.
This book supports pharmacists to recognize symptoms, advise with confidence, andrecommend appropriate treatment or referral, while also providing a comprehensive digest of commonconditions ideal for both practical use and reference.
Informed by the experiences and expertise of seasoned pharmacists and GPs, each chapter in the bookprovides pharmacists and their staff working in the community with a decision-making framework along withsuggestions on “when to refer” contained within summary boxes. A unique feature of the book is that casestudies are provided throughout, in which pharmacists, doctors, nurses and patients themselves describeassessment and treatment of a wide range of common problems.


ISBN: 9781119807445

Titolo: Symptoms in the Pharmacy : A Guide to the Management of Common Illnesses


Editore: Wiley

Volume: Unico

Edizione: IX 2022

Lingua: Inglese

Finitura: Copertina flessibile

Misure: 15,5x23,5 cm

Pagine: 576

Peso: 1 kg