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Werner and Ingbar 's The Thyroid . A Fundamental And Clinical Text

di Braverman - Copper - Kopp  • 2020  • dettagli prodotto

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Through ten outstanding editions, Werner & Ingbar's The Thyroid: A Fundamental and Clinical Text has been the go-to reference for the most comprehensive coverage of the thyroid, including anatomy, development, biochemistry, physiology, pathophysiology, and treatment of all thyroid disorders. Now in full color throughout, the 11th Edition of this award-winning text remains the clinician's preferred source of authoritative information on the thyroid&;an essential resource for all endocrinologists and thyroid surgeons.
- Includes thorough updates and new content throughout the text, especially on thyroid cytopathology, thyroid imaging, and targeted therapy of thyroid cancer as well as a new full-color format.
- Covers all aspects of the thyroid, including thyroid hormone synthesis and secretion, thyroid function, and disorders such as thyrotoxicosis, hypothyroidism, and cancer.
- Discusses surgical management of thyroid cancer, thyroid disruptors, thyroid hormone analogs, thyroid dysfunction&;s effects on other organ systems, the aging thyroid, subclinical hypothyroidism and hyperthyroidism, and thyroid disease in pregnancy.
- Features insights from international experts, including new editor Dr. Peter Kopp of Northwestern University&;s Feinberg School of Medicine.


ISBN: 9781975112967

Titolo: Werner and Ingbar 's The Thyroid . A Fundamental And Clinical Text


Editore: Lippincott Williams

Volume: Unico

Edizione: XI 2020

Lingua: Inglese

Finitura: Copertina rigida

Misure: 22x28,5 cm

Pagine: 965

Peso: 2.8 kg