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Practical Periodontal Diagnosis and Treatment Planning

di Dibart - Dietrich  • 2024  • dettagli prodotto

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Pubblicazione prevista per Luglio 2024


Practical Periodontal Diagnosis and Treatment Planning, Second Edition providesa fully up-to-date guide to the latest techniques, both surgical and non-invasive, for minimizing the impact of periodontal conditions.
The Second Edition has been updated to reflect the new periodontal disease classification, thoroughly explaining the staging and grading system, comparing the new system to previous system, and discussing how to use the classification in everyday clinical practice.
This essential step-by-step guide to integrating digital technologies in surgical implant therapy and prosthetic rehabilitations offers a thorough understanding of the concept of facial sculpture to complement and enhance intra-oral rehabilitation.


ISBN: 9781119830313

Titolo: Practical Periodontal Diagnosis and Treatment Planning


Editore: Wiley

Volume: Unico

Edizione: II 2024

Lingua: Inglese

Finitura: Copertina rigida

Pagine: 240

Peso: 0.7 kg