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Bicuspid aortic valve disease - Recomposing an anatomical mosaic

di Montorfano  • 2024  • dettagli prodotto

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The main goal of this book is to find the key roots for medical innovation by critically gauging our history and the past literature, rather than to take it for "granted" as we often do.
The goal of this book is to promote a new pedagogy and culture that goes beyond the acquisition of notions, a culture that demands a critical and curious posture.
These unalienable skills can be explicitly observed, throughout the chapters, by the strong historical grasp that this book proposes. The key value supported here is the consciousness and valorization of the roots of existing medical knowledge. It is only through analyzing and understanding those historical innovations that we can further develop existing cardiological methods.
This book also proposes a vast interdisciplinary approach to specific medical diseases, rather than focusing on sectorial analysis. This approach, coupled with a strong analysis of the past academic achievements, positions this book as a "pivot" between the current methodological research and future medical explorations.


ISBN: 9788855322294

Titolo: Bicuspid aortic valve disease - Recomposing an anatomical mosaic


Editore: Minerva Medica

Volume: Unico

Edizione: 2024

Lingua: Inglese

Finitura: Copertina flessibile

Misure: 19x26,5 cm

Pagine: 136