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Infectious Diseases - A Clinical Short Course

di Southwick  • 2020  • dettagli prodotto

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Infectious Diseases: A Clinical Short Course, Fourth Edition provides busy physicians, students, nurse practitioners, and PAs with the kind of concise overview they need to understand, diagnose, and treat common infectious diseases safely and effectively. 
Organized by system/region—as opposed to pathogens—to simulate the ways you encounter common pathogens and disorders in rounds or in practice, this new edition includes key updates and aligns content with information tested on the USMLE Step 2. By indicating the number of days you should spend on each chapter, the author has created a schedule for completion of each lesson. A wide array of tables summarizing the methods of clinical assessment, anti-infective agent doses, and drug toxicities—critical facts that do not require memorization, but need to be referred to when caring for patients—facilitate this condensed learning schedule.


ISBN: 9781260143652

Titolo: Infectious Diseases - A Clinical Short Course


Editore: Mcgraw-hill Inglese

Volume: Unico

Edizione: IV 2020

Lingua: Inglese

Finitura: Copertina flessibile

Misure: 19x23 cm

Pagine: 496

Peso: 0.8 kg