The Secrets of Laser Oral Application
di Olivi • 2025 • dettagli prodotto
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€ 141,55

Pubblicazione prevista per Aprile 2025
Drawing from the international experience of the Authors, this comprehensive atlas brings you the latest insights into the world of lasers in dentistry, bridging the gap between research and daily clinical practice.
This groundbreaking “atlas” offers a panoramic view of conventional laser applications in dentistry while introducing innovative operative techniques that yield predictable outcomes across various disciplines.
Explore the extensive realms of dentistry where laser technology empowers practitioners with substantial advantages. From pediatric to adult dental care, encompassing restorative dentistry, endodontics, periodontology, oral surgery, implantology, oral pathology, sleep medicine, you’ll find detailed instructions accompanied by step-by-step clinical photographs, treatment plans, and tables.
Some of the techniques showcased here are exclusive contributions from our esteemed experts, making this book a rare opportunity to learn from the best.
The authors’ primary goal is to share a unified vision of lasers in dentistry, not as a separate discipline but as an indispensable cutting-edge tool that simplifies therapies, minimizes invasiveness, and ensures success in our daily practice.
Whether you’re a seasoned general dentist using lasers in your daily practice seeking to enhance the quality of your therapies or a specialist intrigued by the potential of laser technology, this book caters to your needs.
Delve into the fundamentals of laser therapy for shaping both hard and soft oral tissues, with a focus on the key advantages: cleaning, bactericidal, hemostatic, and biomodulating effects.
This book aims to inspire specialists in dentistry who haven’t yet embraced lasers, encouraging them to consider the transformative possibilities laser technologies offer. Whether you’re a novice or an advanced laser user, “The Secrets of Laser Oral Applications” serves as your invaluable companion, providing alternative solutions to elevate your daily dental practice.
Embark on an enlightening journey into the captivating realm of Laser Dentistry. Let this book be your guiding light in unlocking the secrets that will redefine your approach to dental care.
ISBN: 9781957260730
Titolo: The Secrets of Laser Oral Application
Autori: Olivi
Editore: Edra
Volume: Unico
Edizione: 2025
Lingua: Inglese
Finitura: Copertina rigida
Misure: 25x30,5 cm
Pagine: 464