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Perforator Flaps - Anatomy, Technique, and Clinical Applications

di Blondeel - Morris - Hallock - Neligan  • 2024  • dettagli prodotto

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Nearly two decades ago, the first edition of Perforator Flaps: Anatomy, Technique, & Clinical Applications was published, thereby filling a gap in the literature, and providing invaluable clinical pearls on the use of soft tissue flaps for reconstructive surgery. 
Since the publication of the second edition, technological advances including MRI angiography, standard color duplex ultrasound, ultra-high frequency ultrasound, and indocyanine green enabled better understanding of select pertinent physiology and delineation of perforators anywhere in the body. 
Greater anatomical knowledge and the ability to map the course of individual perforators is reflected in the updated third edition by renowned global experts and editors of the prior editions, Phillip N. Blondeel, Steven F. Morris, Geoffrey G. Hallock, and Peter C. Neligan.
The primary goal of the third edition is to discuss evidenced-based perforator concepts and techniques that have been incorporated into global practice worldwide. 
Although condensed into a single volume, the new edition follows a similar format as prior editions, with chapters divided into four sections. The first section provides a solid foundation of knowledge with discussion of rudimentary fundamentals. 
The second section illustrates the use of basic types of local perforator flaps; introduces the vascularized dermal graft; describes routine suprafascial flap dissections with perforators themselves as recipient and donor vessels; lymphatics reconstituted in concert with perforator flaps; and how to minimize donor site morbidity with “kiss” flaps. 
The third section outlines basic anatomy and techniques for common perforator flaps, while the fourth section provides a brief overview of suggested preferences for clinical applications, with both sections organized by body region.


ISBN: 9781684200726

Titolo: Perforator Flaps - Anatomy, Technique, and Clinical Applications


Editore: Thieme

Volume: Unico

Edizione: 2024

Lingua: Inglese

Finitura: Copertina rigida

Misure: 21,5x28,5 cm

Pagine: 1192