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Imaging Anatomy - Text and Atlas Volume 3 - Bones, Joints, Muscles, Vessels, and Nerves

di Saremi - Patel - Sanchez Quintana - Kiyosue - Law - Tubbs  • 2024  • dettagli prodotto

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While the study of anatomy plays a fundamental role in the practice of medicine, most textbooks don’t rely on modern imaging and post-processing methods to depict and increase its understanding.
Imaging Anatomy Text and Atlas Volume 3: Bones, Joints, Muscles, Vessels, and Nerves is the third in a series of four richly illustrated radiologic references edited by distinguished radiologist Farhood Saremi. The atlas is coedited by esteemed colleagues Dakshesh B. Patel, Damián Sánchez-Quintana, Hiro Kiyosue, Meng Law, and R. Shane Tubbs and features contributions from an impressive group of international experts.
The succinctly written text and superb images fill a gap in the literature, with descriptions of relevant anatomical components in the context of current advances in imaging technology and science.
This exquisitely crafted atlas combines fundamental core anatomy principles with modern imaging and post-processing methods to increase understanding of intricate anatomical features.
Twenty-four concise chapters cover terminology and classification of musculoskeletal structure, bones, muscles, joints, arteries, veins, nerves, and lymphatics.
High-quality dissecting imaging anatomy, discussion of anatomical variants, postsurgical anatomy, and important pathology examples provide a strong foundation for differentiating normal versus pathologic anatomy.


ISBN: 9781626239845

Titolo: Imaging Anatomy - Text and Atlas Volume 3 - Bones, Joints, Muscles, Vessels, and Nerves


Editore: Thieme

Volume: Terzo

Edizione: 2024

Lingua: Inglese

Finitura: Copertina rigida

Misure: 23x30,5 cm

Pagine: 958

Peso: 0.5 kg