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Nanomedicine: Fundamentals, Synthesis, and Applications

di Song  • 2024  • dettagli prodotto

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Pubblicazione prevista per Luglio 2024


A comprehensive and multidisciplinary guide to nanomaterials-based medicine
Nanomedicine is the study and application of nanomaterials-based medical techniques.
In recent years it has very rapidly become indispensable in a huge range of medical contexts, from analysis of extreme life events to diagnosis and treatment of life-threatening intractable diseases, such as cancers and cardiovascular diseases.
It has already transformed both research and clinical outcomes in many areas of medicine and promises to continue as the cutting-edge research and clinical area for the next generation of medical specialists.
Nanomedicine: Fundamentals, Synthesis, and Applications constitutes a comprehensive guide to this subfield and its recent advances.
Beginning with a brief history of the field and introduction to its core principles, it thoroughly treats recent developments in this vital and ever-growing field. Its multidisciplinary approach equips the reader with a systematic overview of these life-saving developments in medicine.Nanomedicine readers will also find:
• Edited by a leading researcher with decades of experience in both North America and China
• Detailed treatment of subjects including nanocarriers, nanomaterial bioprobes, multi-function nanodrugs, nanomedicine mediated immunotherapy and/or physical ablation, and more
• A comprehensive volume treats every facet of the subject

Nanomedicine is a vital resource for biochemists, biomedical engineers, pharmaceutical chemists, physicists, and professionals in the biotechnological industries, as well as for clinicians looking to familiarize themselves with nanomedical techniques and instrumentation.


ISBN: 9783527348633

Titolo: Nanomedicine: Fundamentals, Synthesis, and Applications


Editore: Wiley

Volume: Unico

Edizione: 2024

Lingua: Inglese

Finitura: Copertina rigida

Pagine: 416

Peso: 0.8 kg