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Fractures of the Scapula - Current Management Concepts

di Pires - Labronici - Giordano  • 2024  • dettagli prodotto

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Fractures of the scapula are usually associated with high-energy trauma and its management has deeply changed in the last decade.
The unfavorable scapular anatomy, combined with the complexity of the approaches for fracture fixation, make the treatment challenging, even for experienced surgeons. Furthermore, the literature is controversial regarding surgical indications and rationale for treatment.
This book is designed to address and discuss critical aspects of decision making for the management of scapular fractures, including anatomy, epidemiology, surgical indications, rehabilitation, treatment, and outcomes.
It also presents several challenging cases with adequate preoperative planning, emphasizing the different approaches, fixation strategies, soft tissue handling, and postoperative care. Floating shoulder and the association between scapular fractures and clavicle fractures are also addressed, as well as a hot topic and emerging issue: the periprosthetic scapular fracture following reverse shoulder arthroplasty.
The approaches and fixation strategies will be the main points of the book and richly illustrated by images.
Fractures of the Scapula – Current Concepts is an indispensable reference to shoulder surgeons, general orthopaedic surgeons, orthopaedic trauma surgeons, thoracic surgeons, orthopaedic fellows and residents, medical students, and physical therapists who are eager to deepen their knowledge in the management of the challenging scapular fractures.


ISBN: 9783031584978

Titolo: Fractures of the Scapula - Current Management Concepts


Editore: Springer Verlag

Volume: Unico

Edizione: 2024

Lingua: Inglese

Finitura: Copertina rigida

Misure: 16x24 cm

Pagine: 147

Peso: 0.4 kg