Canine Neurology
di De Risio - Gandini • 2025 • dettagli prodotto
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€ 75,05

Pubblicazione prevista per Marzo 2025
Neurology is a rapidly evolving and advancing field, often perceived as challenging and intimidating. This new textbook, entirely dedicated to canine neurology, provides up-to-date, evidence-based, clinically applicable information to support veterinary practitioners both in primary and secondary care.
The aim is to improve knowledge and confidence in dealing with the neurology canine patient and promote contextualized care to benefit the patients, their owners, and the veterinary team.
The book comprises four sections and includes figures, videos, tables, and algorithms to provide both quick access to key practical information and more in-depth knowledge. The first section includes short chapters focused on common neurologic presentations based on the owner’s presenting concerns and/or physical examination findings.
Each chapter includes an algorithm to provide visually engaging and easily accessible information on clinical approach, differential diagnoses, diagnostic investigations, and treatment.
The second section focuses on the foundations of clinical neurology: an accurate approach to the neurology patient, a well-conducted neurologic examination, and correct interpretation of the findings to establish a robust neuroanatomic localization and a differential diagnosis list.
The third section provides insights into diagnostic procedures, including laboratory investigations, neuroimaging, and electrodiagnostics.
The fourth section of the book provides comprehensive yet accessible evidence-based and clinically relevant information on numerous neurologic disorders. Each chapter includes details on pathophysiology, diagnosis, treatment, and prognosis; helpful illustrations and videos; and a key points box to highlight essential information.
ISBN: 9781957260501
Titolo: Canine Neurology
Autori: De Risio - Gandini
Editore: Edra
Volume: Unico
Edizione: 2025
Lingua: Inglese
Finitura: Copertina rigida
Misure: 22x28 cm
Pagine: 328