Dental Instruments - A Pocket Guide to Identification Published by Total Care Programming ( CD Rom )
di Mitchell • 2011 • dettagli prodotto
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Dental Instruments: A Pocket Guide to Identification is a pocket guide for dental assisting students for quick reference and review of dental instruments, their uses, their placement on a tray, and their different varieties. This pocket guide is used while in clinical courses, during clinical internships, as a review companion to clinical courses, and is a resource for students to take with them to their first job. Unique to this title is the companion student resources CD-ROM in the back of the book, which provides the student with an interactive learning experience. The CD-ROM includes an image bank, interactive tray set-ups, crossword puzzles, student quizzes, and more games and activities for self-study. Dental assisting faculty has the challenge of simulating a clinical environment and making a student comfortable and confident before they are with a patient in a real clinical setting. This text with the companion CD-ROM does just that..
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ISBN: 9781608316380
Titolo: Dental Instruments - A Pocket Guide to Identification Published by Total Care Programming ( CD Rom )
Autori: Mitchell
Editore: Lippincott Williams
Volume: Unico
Edizione: II 2011
Lingua: Inglese
Finitura: Copertina flessibile
Misure: 18x12 cm
Pagine: 400
Peso: 0.5 kg