Oral Microbiology
di Marsh - Martin- Lewis - Williams • 2016 • dettagli prodotto
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Marsh and Martins’ Oral Microbiology continues to offer the essentials of oral microbiology in an easy-to-read, readily digestible format. Commencing with a description of the healthy mouth and the properties of the resident oral microbiota, the new edition of this popular textbook then explores the formation and consequences of plaque development, plaque-mediated disease, orofacial infection, antimicrobial agents and prophylaxis, orofacial fungal and viral infections, and the relationship between oral microbiota and systemic disease. The book is completed by a chapter on infection control.Each chapter is succinct and includes essential information in a concise format - thereby saving the reader valuable time. The book is presented with an abundance of tables, photographs and artworks to make the subject as engaging as possible - numerous ‘Key Point’ boxes aid retention.Marsh and Martins’ Oral Microbiology is suitable for undergraduate and postgraduate dental students, research workers, and a wide range of clinical dental professionals.New to this editionCompletely updated throughout by a new author team!Self-assessment questions in each chapter allow readers to monitor their progressUpdated design with ‘Key Points’ throughout aids learningReflects the impact that the genomic era has had on the fieldExpanded sections on infection control as well as therapeutic and prophylactic antibiotic useNew sections on the benefits of the resident oral microbiota and on current concepts of factors driving dysbiosis in periodontal diseaseNew chapter on the emerging role of oral microorganisms in systemic diseases
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ISBN: 9780702061066
Titolo: Oral Microbiology
Autori: Marsh - Martin- Lewis - Williams
Editore: Elsevier - Churchill Livingstone
Volume: Unico
Edizione: VI 2016
Lingua: Inglese
Finitura: Copertina flessibile
Misure: 18x26 cm
Pagine: 272