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Biopsy Interpretation of the Thyroid

di Boerner - Asa  • 2016  • dettagli prodotto

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Extensively revised to bring you up to date with new pathologic entities, new treatment methods, and much more, Biopsy Interpretation of the Thyroid, Second Edition is a highly practical guide to neck biopsies that involve thyroid tissue. Presented in a reader-friendly format, it uses a pattern-based approach to the accurate interpretation of thyroid lesions – from normal anatomy and histology to a wide range of both common and unusual findings. Clinical implications of each diagnosis are highlighted throughout the text to guide therapeutic decision making.


ISBN: 9781496355850

Titolo: Biopsy Interpretation of the Thyroid


Editore: Lippincott Williams

Volume: Unico

Edizione: II 2016

Lingua: Inglese

Finitura: Copertina flessibile

Pagine: 300